P.O. Box 3162 Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 531-3801
Laura Rebecca Cole (6/4/1983-10/30/2018) was a gentle, loving and accomplished young women; graduating at the top of her class at Essex Junction High School in Vermont, then teaching special needs children at Pasco School District after obtain-ing a Masters in Special Education. “Lady” Laura (of Dunham Castle, Scotland) also was the author of 10 fantasy books for young adults derived from her in-terests in castles, dragons and medieval times. She was an excellent craftswomen of her first home/soap/leatherwork/art and she displayed a special love of reading, animals, and vulnerable people.
To honor the memory of Laura Cole and her dedication to students with disabilities two, $500.00 grants will be awarded. Grant applications are due no later than December 1, 2023 and applicants must use a minimum of $50.00 of the awarded money to purchase books or reading materials for students or their classrooms. Applications will be reviewed and monies awarded by January 15th, 2024.